How Much Time We Need To Do Exercise To Stay Fit?

In today’s fast-paced world, finding time for exercise can be challenging. Yet, the importance of physical activity for maintaining good health cannot be overstated. The question many people ask is, “How much time we need to do exercise to stay fit?” or “How long we should continue to do exercise?” The answer varies depending on individual goals, fitness levels, and lifestyles, but general guidelines can help you plan your daily routine effectively.

How Much Time We Need To Do Exercise To Stay Fit?

The General Guidelines

Well the answer of above depends upon your goal. Why you are reading this post? Because either you want to reduce your weight or you want to see yourself fit, handsome body on the mirror.

So the plan of workout varies with many other circumstances. Like your age, body weight, body type, you are a beginner or a muscle builder etc. So in this article we will cover the general things which can be applicable for everybody. Later we will publish the workout plan for every different generic.

Health experts, including the World Health Organization (WHO) and the American Heart Association (AHA), recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise per week. This breaks down to about 30 minutes a day, five days a week. Alternatively, combining moderate and vigorous activities to meet these guidelines is also effective.

Well but you no need to get hurry to loose your weight or build your muscle faster. You just need to go slow and a steady speed to reach your goal.

Don’t be so stressed . It will effect your body as well as your mind. Remember rest is a very important things to reduce weight or build your muscle. If you are 25+ you need to sleep at least 6+Hour a day. But it will better if you have 8 Hour of sleep. Because if are a muscle builder and do your exercise regularly your muscle won’t grow when you are working out. Your muscle will grow when you are sleeping!

sleep enough

General Workout Plan For A Day

If You are a beginner you can make your workout plan for 1 hour within your 24 Hour of Day . Your Plan should include 10 min stretching, 15 min Running, 15 min strength workout, 20 min yoga/meditation.

If you do strength workout you can do for 40-45 min a day . This is enough for a beginner or intermittent . For a professional gymnastics you can spend 2-2.5 hour a day in gymnasium. But you must take proper rest 1-2 min between the reps. Again remember when you are taking rest for 1/2/5 min your muscle get relaxed and getting ready to become bigger and stronger!

If you don’t have much more time you can make your schedule for at least 30 min a day for running or strength workout.

Plan For Week

You must have minimum 1 day rest in a week to get relaxed your body muscle and mind.

You can make your plan for 3 days+ 1 day rest and again repeat this in week.

At least you should do 2 days strength workout and 1 days running in one week circle so that your body won’t forget that what your goal were set for!

Don’t Leave What You Have Started!

Sometimes your Body will say ‘I’m working for 1/3/6/12 Months but still there is no change! Just Leave it and go for sleep!” No Don’t listen this type of Stupid talking. When you are about to giving up just remember why you have started?

Just Continue what you are following. You should continue it for your lifetime! Are you afraid? No don’t afraid of this. Trust me, when you will pass 3 months of your workout cycle you will start loving to do more workout . It dosen’t matter your body has changed or not but you will love it! Because your mind will get relaxed for your exercise routine. So if you stop doing exercise your mind will get bored and will stop release Dopamine which normally makes you happy. Than you should start again!

So never stop doing exercise. Once you start just continue to do it and upgrade yourself.

don't give up

Maintaining Consistency

Consistency is key to reaping the long-term benefits of exercise. Here are some tips:

  1. Set Realistic Goals:
    • Start with achievable goals to avoid burnout and discouragement.
    • Gradually increase the duration and intensity as your fitness improves.
  2. Find Enjoyable Activities:
    • Engage in exercises that you enjoy to make the process more enjoyable and sustainable.
    • Group activities or sports can add a social element, making it more fun.
  3. Track Progress:
    • Use fitness apps or journals to monitor your activity levels and progress.
    • Seeing improvements can be motivating and help maintain commitment.


Maintaining fitness doesn’t necessarily require hours at the gym each day. Following the general guidelines of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week, complemented by strength training, is sufficient for most people to stay fit. Tailoring this advice to fit individual needs and lifestyles, while ensuring consistency, can lead to lasting health benefits and a more active, fulfilling life.

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